Ultimate Guide: Creating and Managing a Reading List or Book Tracker in Notion

Learn how to create and track your reading list with Notion. Manage your books effortlessly and stay organized in just a few simple steps.
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How to Create and Manage a Reading List or Book tracker within Notion

Notion is an incredibly versatile tool that can help you not only stay organized but also enhance your productivity. One popular use case for Notion is creating and managing a reading list or Book tracker. With its flexibility and robust feature set, Notion provides an excellent platform for keeping track of the books you want to read or have already read. In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating and managing your reading list or Book tracker within Notion.

Setting Up Your Reading List or Book tracker

To begin, open Notion and create a new page or open an existing one where you want to create your reading list or Book tracker. You can choose to create a separate database for your books or integrate it into an existing page. Here's how you can set up your reading list or Book tracker:

  1. Create a new table: Click on the "+" button in the page and select Table from the dropdown menu. This will create a new blank table.

  2. Set up your column headers: Determine the information you want to track for each book, such as the book title, author, publication date, genre, and a short description. Add each of these as column headers by clicking on the table's column headers and typing the text.

  3. Add your book entries: Start populating your reading list or Book tracker by adding new rows to the table. Enter the relevant details for each book in the corresponding columns. You can include additional columns for tracking other information like your rating, progress, or any notes you want to make.

  4. Customize your table view: Notion provides various view options for your table, such as Gallery view, Board view, or Calendar view. Experiment with different views to find the one that suits your preferences and workflow. To change the view, click on the "Views" dropdown menu on the top right corner of your table.

  5. Add cover images or book thumbnails: To make your reading list Visually appealing, you can add cover images or book thumbnails to your table. Notion allows you to embed images directly from external sources like Goodreads or upload images from your computer. Simply click on the cell where you want to add the image, select "/" and choose the "Embed" option. Paste the image link or upload the image file.

  6. Create linked pages for book details: To keep track of more detailed information about each book, you can create linked pages within Notion. Click on any book title in your table, and then click on the "Link to Page" icon (chain link symbol) next to the book's title. This will create a new page where you can write reviews, summaries, or any additional insights about the book.

Managing Your Reading List or Book tracker

Once you have set up your reading list or Book tracker, you can start managing and using it effectively. Here are some tips to help you make the most out of your Notion reading list:

1. Sorting and filtering:

Notion allows you to sort and filter your table based on various criteria. This feature can be handy when you want to prioritize your reading list or find books of a particular genre or author. Click on the "Filter" button at the top-right corner of your table, and choose the desired filter options.

2. Adding reading dates:

To keep track of when you start and finish reading each book, you can create a "Start Date" and "Finish Date" column in your table. By recording these dates, you can monitor your progress and set reading goals for yourself.

3. Keeping track of progress:

If you prefer tracking your reading progress in a visual manner, you can use Notion's Progress Bar block. Create a new block on your book's linked page and search for the "Progress Bar" block. Drag it onto the page and update the progress as you read. This will provide a visual representation of your progress through the book.

4. Integrating with other tools:

Notion allows integration with external tools like Goodreads or Amazon. By connecting your reading list or Book tracker to these platforms, you can import book data or sync your progress automatically. This integration saves time and ensures your reading list remains up-to-date.

5. Adding tags and categories:

To further enhance the organization of your reading list or Book tracker, consider using tags or categories. Notion allows you to create tags by adding a multi-select column in your table. Assign relevant tags to each book, such as "Fiction," "Non-fiction," or create custom tags like "Must-Read" or "Recommended." These tags will help you easily sort and filter your book entries based on specific categories.


Notion provides an excellent platform for creating and managing a robust reading list or Book tracker. With its flexible table structure, customization options, and integration capabilities, you can personalize and optimize your reading experience. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a comprehensive reading list within Notion and efficiently manage your books, ensuring you never miss out on your favorite reads.

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