Customize Background Colors in Notion: A Step-by-Step Guide

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How to Customize Background Colors in Notion?
Notion is a versatile and customizable note-taking and Productivity tool that allows you to create personalized workspaces. One key element of customization in Notion is the ability to modify background colors. By changing the background colors of your pages, you can create a Visually appealing and organized Workspace that aligns with your personal style and preferences. In this article, we will explore how to customize background colors in Notion using various methods and techniques.
Method 1: Change Page Background Colors
To change the Background color of a specific page in Notion, follow these steps:
- Open the desired page in your Notion Workspace.
- Click on the three-dot menu icon in the top-right corner of the page.
- From the dropdown menu, select "Page settings."
- In the page settings panel, locate the "Background" section.
- Click on the color box to open the color picker.
- Choose a color from the palette or enter a specific hexadecimal code for your desired color.
- Once you have selected a color, click outside the color picker to close it.
- The Background color of your page will now be changed to the selected color.
Using this method, you can customize the Background color of each individual page in your Notion Workspace, allowing you to differentiate between different categories, subjects, or projects.
Method 2: Utilize Database Properties
Notion also enables you to change the Background color of individual entries in a database using properties. To customize background colors using this method, follow these steps:
- Create a database or open an existing one.
- Inside the database, click on the property you want to modify the Background color for.
- In the property settings panel, locate the "Background" section.
- Click on the color box to open the color picker.
- Select your desired color from the palette or manually enter a hexadecimal code.
- Close the color picker by clicking outside of it.
- The Background color for that specific property will now be changed to the selected color.
By using this method, you can assign different background colors to properties within a database, making it easier to visually distinguish and categorize your data.
Method 3: Apply Background Colors to Blocks
Notion provides a block-based structure, allowing you to organize your notes and content in a hierarchical manner. You can also change the Background color of individual blocks within a page. Here's how:
- Insert a block by clicking on the "+" icon or by pressing "/" followed by the block type you want to create.
- Once the block is inserted, click on the block to select it.
- On the top-right corner of the selected block, click on the three-dot menu icon.
- From the dropdown menu, select "Color."
- Choose your desired color from the available options in the palette.
- The Background color of the selected block will now be changed to the chosen color.
By applying different background colors to individual blocks, you can create visually distinct sections within a page or emphasize important content.
Method 4: Use CSS for Advanced Customization
Notion allows for advanced customization using custom CSS. If you have knowledge of CSS, you can customize the background colors in Notion using this method. Here's how:
Install a browser Extension that allows you to inject custom CSS into webpages (for example, "Stylus" for Chrome or "Stylish" for Firefox).
Open Notion in your browser.
Click on the browser Extension's icon and select "Manage styles" or a similar option.
Create a new style for Notion or edit an existing one.
In the CSS editor, write CSS code to target the desired elements and modify background colors.
For example, to change the Background color of the entire Notion Workspace, you can use the following CSS code:
body {
background: #f2f2f2;
```You can use similar CSS code to target other elements and customize their background colors accordingly.
Save your changes in the CSS editor.
Refresh the Notion page to see the updated background colors according to your custom CSS.
Using custom CSS provides extensive customization options, enabling you to personalize your Notion Workspace beyond the built-in features.
Notion offers multiple methods to customize background colors in your Workspace, allowing you to curate a visually pleasing and organized environment that suits your preferences. Whether you want to modify the Background color of a page, a specific property within a database, or individual blocks, Notion provides intuitive options to make these adjustments. For advanced customization, you can leverage custom CSS to further personalize your Notion Workspace. With these methods, you can create a unique and Visually appealing Workspace that boosts your productivity and enhances your overall Notion experience.