Red Gregory

Red Gregory

Founder & CEO
Hi, my name is Red Gregory and I am a Notion youtuber. I create video walkthroughs to help others learn how to use Notion more effectively. In addition to my videos, I also maintain a blog that covers a range of topics related to Notion, including dashboards, databases, functions, formulas, and design. I am passionate about helping others get the most out of Notion and love sharing my knowledge and experience with my audience. In addition to my video content and blog, I also have a number of Notion templates available for purchase in my store. These templates are designed to help people get started with Notion quickly and easily, and are a great resource for anyone looking to streamline their workflow and get more organized. Thank you for taking the time to learn a little bit about me. I hope you find my content helpful and enjoyable, and I look forward to connecting with you on my channel and blog.


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How to Create a Family Tree in Notion
Learn how to use Notion to create a family tree using relations, timelines and databases. Red Gregory does an excellent job of explaining how to create a family tree with Notion in this full tutorial.
Spaces Repetition Formulas in Notion
Learn how to utilize spaced repetition in your Notion templates working with date properties and relevant formulas to get everything to work properly.
Guide to Using Notion's Progress Slider Bars
Notion's native progress bar adds nice aesthetic functionality to your Notion pages. Learn how to utilize formulas like slice, datebetween and format to make it even better.
Creating Native Progress Bars in Notion
Follow along as Red Gregory explains the latest Notion progress bar feature that allows you to easily add progress bars and circular progress indicators to your Notion pages.
How to Build a Knowledge Base in Notion
A tutorial that walks you through how to build a knowledge base for students and companies. You'll learn how to connect databases with relations and make the connections work better for you.
How to Use Notion Formulas in Your Notion Templates
A deep dive into how to use Notion formulas in your Notion templates to create advanced templates that cover if statements, task management, rollups and more.
How to Use Time Blocking in Notion
An overview of how to use time blocking in your Notion pages. A walkthrough of how to setup your own time blocking template with Notion.
How to Organize Notes in Notion with Automated Tags
Learn how to supercharge your note organization of your knowledge base in Notion with automated tags, showcasing formulas to count relations and a small overview of parent-child relations.
How to Build an Easy Subscription Tracker in Notion
Red Gregory walks us through how you can setup a subscription tracker in Notion using formulas, databases and more.
Building a Notion Tracker in Notion
A step by step tutorial on how to track your finances and create a budget with Notion. An easy walkthrough by Red Gregory that covers how to track personal cashflow with the relevant formulas while automatically calculating balance from income and expenses with proper roll ups and relations.
How to Create a Blog in Notion with Super
Learn how to easily create your blog on Notion with Super. A step by step walkthrough of how to setup your databases in Notion and get started blogging with
Connecting Zapier and with Notion API
Learn how to utilize third party tools like Zapier and to add data to your Notion's via the API. This tutorial walks through how to add Gumroad sales automatically to your Notion site and pages.


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