Step-by-Step Guide: Adding Recurring Events to Your Notion Calendar for Regular Meetings, Reminders, and Appointments

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How to Add Recurring events to Your Notion calendar
Notion is a powerful Productivity tool that allows you to handle various tasks, manage projects, and keep track of your schedule. One of its key features is the ability to create a calendar where you can organize and plan your events. Whether it's regular meetings, Reminders, or appointments, Notion allows you to add Recurring events effortlessly. In this article, we'll guide you through the process of adding Recurring events to your Notion calendar.
Step 1: Open your Notion Workspace
To get started, open your Notion Workspace and navigate to the page where you want to create your calendar. If you don't have a dedicated page for your calendar yet, you can create one by selecting "+ New Page" in the sidebar.
Step 2: Add a new calendar
In your selected page, click on the "+" button to create a new block. Search for "Calendar" in the block selection menu and select the "Calendar" option. This will create a blank calendar block on your page.
Step 3: Customize your calendar
Once you have added the calendar block, you can customize it according to your preferences. Click on the calendar block to open the sidebar, where you'll find various options to modify its appearance.
Step 4: Add a recurring event
To add a recurring event to your Notion calendar, click on any date within the calendar block. A pop-up window will appear, allowing you to input the event details. In this window, you'll find a section called "Repeat," which is where you can specify the recurrence pattern for your event.
Step 5: Choose the recurrence pattern
Notion provides several options for setting up the recurrence pattern of your event. Choose the most relevant option from the dropdown menu. Here are a few examples:
- Daily: Select this option if the event occurs every day.
- Weekly: Choose this option if the event repeats on specific weekdays. For example, if you have a weekly team meeting on Mondays, select this option and choose Monday as the day of the week.
- Monthly: Use this option if your event happens on the same day of every month. For instance, if you have a monthly performance review meeting on the 15th of each month, select this option and specify the starting date.
- Yearly: Select this option if your event occurs on the same date every year, such as birthdays or anniversaries.
Step 6: Fine-tune the recurrence pattern (if necessary)
If you need more control over the recurrence pattern, Notion allows you to make additional adjustments. For instance, you can select whether the event repeats every few days, weeks, months, or years rather than every day, week, month, or year. You can also set an end date for the recurring event or choose to repeat it indefinitely.
Step 7: Save your recurring event
Once you have set up the recurrence pattern to your liking, click the "Save" button to save your recurring event to the calendar. The event will now appear on the specified dates according to the recurrence pattern you have set.
Step 8: Modify or delete Recurring events
In case you need to modify or delete a recurring event, simply locate the event on your calendar, click on it, and select the "Edit" option. This will allow you to make changes to the event details or delete it completely. Notion will give you the option to apply the changes to the current event only or to all future instances of the recurring event, depending on your preference.
Adding Recurring events to your Notion calendar can be a game-changer when it comes to organizing and planning your schedule. By following these simple steps, you'll be able to easily manage regular meetings, Reminders, and appointments with ease. Make the most of Notion's Functionality and take control of your time management today.