Designing a Workout Schedule Template in Notion: Plan and Track Fitness Routines, Exercises, and Progress

Learn how to create a customized workout schedule template using Notion. Plan and track your fitness routines, exercises, and progress with ease.
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How to Design a Workout schedule Template in Notion

Notion is a highly versatile tool that can be used to design various templates and organize different aspects of our lives. One area where Notion excels is in helping us plan and track our fitness routines, exercises, and progress. In this article, we will guide you through the process of designing a Workout schedule template in Notion that will enable you to effectively plan and track your fitness journey.

Step 1: Set Up Your Workspace

Before diving into designing the Workout schedule, it is essential to create a dedicated Workspace for your fitness-related activities in Notion. This Workspace will serve as the foundation for your Workout schedule template.

  1. Create a new page in Notion and name it "Fitness" or any other suitable name.
  2. Customize the page with a cover image or any other motivational elements that inspire you.

Step 2: Design the Schedule

Now that you have set up the Workspace, let's design the Workout schedule itself. The goal is to create a structure that allows you to plan and track your fitness routines effectively.

  1. Create a new page within the "Fitness" Workspace and title it "Workout schedule."
  2. Divide the page into two columns using the "Column" block.
  3. In the left column, add a "Table of Contents" block and list the days of the week.
  4. To the right of the "Table of Contents" block, add a toggle list to represent each day of the week.
    • For example, you can have Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc., as separate toggle list items.

Step 3: Plan Your Workout Routine

Now it's time to plan your workout routine within the designated days of the week. You can choose to have a separate toggle list for each day or create a template that you can duplicate for each day.

  1. Within each toggle list, create a table by using the "Table" block.
  2. Set up columns to include fields such as "Exercise," "Sets," "Reps," and "Notes."
  3. Populate the table with specific exercises you plan to do on that day, along with the details for sets, reps, and any additional notes or instructions.

Step 4: Track Your Progress

To make your Workout schedule template even more effective, we can add a structure for tracking your progress, allowing you to monitor your performance over time. Here's how:

  1. Create a new page in the "Fitness" Workspace and title it "Progress Tracker."
  2. Divide the page into two columns using the "Column" block.
  3. In the left column, add a "Table of Contents" block and list the exercises you want to track.
  • For example, you can include exercises like bench press, squats, lunges, etc.
  1. To the right of the "Table of Contents" block, add a toggle list for each exercise.
  2. Within each toggle list, create a table using the "Table" block.
  3. Set up columns to include fields such as "Date," "Weight," "Reps," and "Notes."
  4. Regularly update the table with your workout data, recording weight lifted, repetitions performed, and any important notes or observations.

Step 5: Additional Customizations and Tips

To further enhance your Workout schedule template, consider the following customizations and tips:

  1. Add a checkbox at the end of each exercise in your workout routine to mark completion.
  2. Incorporate other blocks like images, videos, or embedded sheets to provide additional exercise instructions or demonstrations.
  3. Use the "Relational" database feature in Notion to link your workout routine with other pages or databases, such as a nutrition tracker or fitness goals.
  4. Experiment with different views, such as a "Calendar" view, to have a visual overview of your Workout schedule.
  5. Include a section at the end of each day's workout to reflect on your session, make notes on how you felt, or evaluate your performance.


Designing a Workout schedule template in Notion can greatly enhance your fitness journey by providing a structured and organized approach to planning and tracking your Workouts. By following the steps outlined in this article, you will have a comprehensive template that allows you to plan your routines, track your progress, and optimize your fitness. Remember to regularly update and adjust your schedule as needed, and enjoy the benefits of having an organized and personal fitness assistant in your pocket with Notion.

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