Reading list for teams

A shared reading list is a great way for your company to learn together. Many teams simply post links to interesting articles, podcasts, or videos in Slack, but these quickly get buried by other messages and few people actually follow up on them. This template allows you to create a central list of interesting readings where everyone on your team can contribute and engage with the material whenever they have a chance. This way, you can keep track of your team's learning progress and make sure everyone has access to valuable resources.

Reading list for teams

A shared reading list is a great way for your company to learn together. Many teams simply post links to interesting articles, podcasts, or videos in Slack, but these quickly get buried by other messages and few people actually follow up on them. This template allows you to create a central list of interesting readings where everyone on your team can contribute and engage with the material whenever they have a chance. This way, you can keep track of your team's learning progress and make sure everyone has access to valuable resources.
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