Notion 101: Start Organizing Your Personal & Work Life

This course will provide a step-by-step guide to understanding and using all the features of Notion, including blocks, databases, integrations, and collaborating with teams. The course will also cover automating your Notion workspace with tools like Zapier and creating a website with Super and Notion.
Course description

Are you in need of a productivity tool that can serve as a one-stop-shop for managing your personal and work life, as well as replacing many other tools you may be using? If so, then Notion is the perfect solution for you! Notion is a highly flexible software that can be used to organize virtually any aspect of your life. Whether you need a tool for project management, a place to take notes and stay organized, or a way to collaborate with a team, Notion has you covered.

In this course, we will provide a step-by-step guide to understanding and using all of the features and capabilities of Notion. Some of the topics we will cover include:

  • Notion blocks
  • Notion databases
  • Integrations
  • Synced blocks and linked databases
  • Formulas, relations, and roll-ups
  • Collaborating with teams
  • Automating your Notion workspace using tools like Zapier
  • Creating a website using Super and Notion

We will also work on practical projects such as building a notes database and a CRM.

Students who have already taken the course have provided positive feedback, such as "Great video, so systematical and easy-to-understand!" and "Perfect! Exceeded all my expectations." If you decide to enroll, you will also have access to a Q&A section where you can ask any questions you may have. Plus, Udemy offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can try out the course with no risk.

This course is suitable for professionals looking to organize their work lives, freelancers and solo founders wanting to organize their businesses, students searching for a system to improve their study habits, and teams and companies that need a central hub for organization. If you're ready to get started with Notion, we hope to see you in the course!

Course outline

I. Introduction to Notion

  • Overview of Notion and its capabilities as a productivity tool
  • Comparison to other productivity software

II. Notion Blocks and Databases

  • Introduction to blocks and how to use them for organizing information
  • Creating and using databases for organizing data

III. Integrations and Synced Blocks

  • Connecting Notion to other tools and services through integrations
  • Using synced blocks to keep information up-to-date across different pages

IV. Formulas, Relations, and Roll-ups

  • Using formulas to perform calculations within a database
  • Creating relations between different databases
  • Using roll-ups to summarize data from multiple databases

V. Collaborating with Teams

  • Sharing pages and databases with team members
  • Assigning tasks and keeping track of progress

VI. Automating Your Notion Workspace

  • Using Zapier to automate tasks within Notion
  • Creating a website using Super and Notion

VII. Practical Projects

  • Building a notes database
  • Creating a customer relationship management (CRM) system
  • Additional project ideas

VIII. Q&A and Bonus Materials

  • Access to Q&A section for students to ask questions
  • Bonus materials and resources on using Notion effectively

Who this course is for:

  • Professionals trying to organize their work life
  • Freelancers and solo founders looking to organize their business
  • Students seeking a system for efficient study
  • Teams and companies in need of a central organizational hub