Activate Dark Mode in Notion for Enhanced Viewing Comfort

Learn how to enable dark mode in Notion for a more comfortable viewing experience. Enhance readability and reduce eye strain with this simple guide.
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How to Activate Dark mode within Notion for Improved Viewing Comfort

Notion, a powerful all-in-one Workspace tool, offers a range of customization options to enhance the user experience. Dark mode is one such feature that provides a more comfortable viewing experience, especially in low-light environments. In this article, we will explore how to activate Dark mode within Notion, allowing you to work more comfortably while reducing eye strain.

Understanding Dark mode

Dark mode, also known as night mode, is a display setting that converts the typically bright user interface into a darker color scheme. Instead of white or light colors dominating the screen, Dark mode uses a darker background with light text and elements. This inversion of colors offers a range of benefits, including decreased eye strain, reduced exposure to blue light, and improved visibility in low-light conditions.

Activating Dark mode in Notion

To activate Dark mode in Notion, follow the step-by-step guide below:

  1. Open Notion: Launch the Notion application on your device or visit the Notion website.

  2. Access Settings: Click on your profile icon, usually located at the top right corner of the screen. This will open a dropdown menu. From the menu, select "Settings & Members."

  3. Enable Dark mode: Within the "Settings & Members" section, locate the "App" tab. Here, you will find the option to enable Dark mode. Simply toggle the switch to activate it.

  4. Enjoy Dark mode: After enabling Dark mode, the entire Notion interface will transform into a darker color scheme. You can now work comfortably, even in low-light environments.

Customizing Dark mode in Notion

In addition to activating Dark mode, Notion also allows you to customize its appearance to suit your preferences. To further enhance your Dark mode experience:

  1. Open Notion Settings: Follow steps one and two mentioned above to access the Settings section in Notion.

  2. Select Appearance Preferences: Within the "Settings & Members" section, navigate to the "Preferences" tab and click on "Appearance."

  3. Choose Dark mode Theme: Notion offers two variations within the Dark mode theme – "System Default" and "Always Dark."

  • System Default: This option syncs with your system-level Dark mode settings. If your operating system has Dark mode enabled, Notion will automatically adjust accordingly.

  • Always Dark: With this option selected, Notion will apply the Dark mode theme regardless of your system settings.

  1. Customize Accent Color: Notion also allows you to personalize your Dark mode experience by selecting a custom accent color. This accent color will be applied to various elements within the interface, such as buttons and highlighted text. Choose from the available color options or define a custom color using the color picker.

  2. Save and Apply: Once you have customized your Dark mode preferences, click on the "Save" or "Apply" button to save your settings and apply the changes.


Dark mode is a valuable feature that can greatly enhance the overall viewing experience in Notion. By enabling Dark mode and customizing its appearance, you can work comfortably in low-light environments while reducing eye strain. Take advantage of the flexible options provided by Notion's customization settings to create a personalized Workspace that suits your preferences.

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