How to Create Recurring Tasks in Notion

Learn how to create a simple, recurring task in Notion in this tutorial. Notion's new update allows for you to create recurring tasks and even templates.
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Tutorial overview

I. Introduction

  • Introduce topic of recurring tasks in Notion
  • Mention that video will be quick and actionable

II. Setting up the database

  • Describe steps for creating a new database and turning it into a table
  • Explain how to name the database, add an icon, and create a "task" column with a check box property

III. Creating a recurring task

  • Outline steps for creating a new template and naming the task
  • Discuss the option to add a "created time" property
  • Mention the repeat button and the ability to set the task to repeat daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly

IV. Viewing the recurring task

  • Describe how the recurring task will automatically populate
  • Discuss the option to add a calendar view and "done" property
  • Explain how to filter completed tasks in the table and calendar view

V. Conclusion

  • Recap main points of creating and viewing recurring tasks in Notion
  • Mention additional resources and invite viewers to subscribe for updates.


Hey there productive people, how's it going? My name is Carter Sarach, also known as the productive dude here on YouTube. In today's video, I'm showing you how to use recurring tasks in Notion. This is something that took them a little while to add, but it's finally here, so I wanted to share it with you guys so you can implement it in your workspaces. As I said, this will be a really quick video, really actionable, so stick around and learn about recurring tasks.

Alright, so jumping right into my computer, I have a blank Notion page here and I'm just going to turn it into a table database. We're going to hit new database and I'm going to call it "recurring tasks". We're going to add an icon here, I'm going to use this repeater one, and we'll name the table "table view". Now, I'm going to name the name column "task" and we're going to add in a check box property. Now, this isn't necessary, but I'm just showing you guys for the sake of the example on how to do this for a task list in particular. So, I'm going to delete these Pages out of here and we're just going to start with a blank table.

Now, what you're going to want to do is when you're ready to create your recurring task, you should have at least a check box in your task list and a name for your task. But you're going to click up on this blue button on this drop down here, you're going to hit new Notion template, and we're going to name our task. You can also add a property here for "created time" if you want to see this on a calendar. So, I'm going to do that and we're just going to name this "water the plants". Now, I'm going to close out of that template and click on these three dots up here.

And now we have this new repeat button. So, I'm going to click on that. I'm going to set it to every week, let's say we want it to happen on Friday at 12:28pm. And yeah, basically from there I'm just going to hit save. Now, you can change this. Right now, it's on repeat weekly. You can change this to daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly, and you can change your settings. It's pretty straightforward and simple for doing that, and then just make sure you hit save. Let's also go ahead and edit this template and add in a nice little icon like a leaf or something for the plant. Let's go with the tree. Alright, "water the plants".

So now, if we wait until 12:28, we should see the task automatically populate without me doing anything. So, let's just cut to that right now. Alright, and it's 12:28, boom, we get the "water the plants" task jumping right in here. And then, if I wanted to, I could also add a calendar view. So, let's just hit the plus button up there, go to calendar, and now we can even see this on our calendar. I can add in a property of "done", and that way if I wanted to check this off I could. And if you want it to disappear when you check it off, just go to filter "done" is unchecked, and now it will disappear when you check something off. You can do the same with your table over here, filter "done" is unchecked, and from there your tasks will disappear as you check them off.