Zoe Chew

Zoe Chew

Founder & CEO
Founder Fellow @beondeck ODF10.


Finance tracker template by Zoe Chew on Notion
I use Notion for a wide range of purposes, including managing clients, working remotely, tracking my portfolio, and most recently, keeping track of my personal finance. This year, I'm determined to improve my money habits and personal investment strategies, and using Notion to track my personal finance activities is a great first step in achieving that goal.
Finance tracker
Zoe Chew
Habit Tracking Notion Template Created by Zoe Chew
I used to track my habits on Excel, but I switched to using Notion because it's faster and I can access it from my browser. Excel was just too slow for my needs. Now I can easily track my habits from anywhere.
Habit tracking
Zoe Chew
Book Tracker Notion Template by Zoe Chew
This template allows you to create your own digital library, tracking books you want to read and books you have already read. You can create your own views to categorize different books on your list, making it easy to find and organize the books in your library. With this template, you can easily manage and keep track of the books in your collection.
Book tracker
Zoe Chew


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