Integrate Calendar with Notion: Streamline Planning & Scheduling

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How to Integrate a Calendar with Notion to Streamline Planning and Scheduling Processes

Notion is a powerful all-in-one Productivity tool that allows users to create customized databases, notes, wikis, and task lists. One of the key features that make Notion a versatile tool for planning and organizing is its ability to integrate with calendars. By integrating a calendar with Notion, you can streamline your planning and scheduling processes, bringing all your important dates and events into one centralized location. In this article, we will explore how to seamlessly integrate a calendar with Notion.

Why Integrate a Calendar with Notion?

Integrating a calendar with Notion offers several benefits. It allows you to:

  1. Centralize your planning: Instead of bouncing between multiple apps or tools, integrating a calendar with Notion enables you to consolidate all your tasks, events, and schedules in one place.

  2. Get a holistic view: By combining your calendar with other Notion features such as to-do lists, Project management boards, or knowledge databases, you can gain a comprehensive view of your workflow and how your time is allocated.

  3. Improve collaboration: Sharing your integrated calendar with teammates or clients ensures everyone is on the same page. Team members can view and coordinate schedules, track project deadlines, and plan meetings efficiently.

  4. Stay organized: Integrating a calendar with Notion allows you to set Reminders, attach relevant documents or notes to events, and categorize tasks easily. This helps you stay organized and ensures nothing slips through the cracks.

Integration Options

Notion allows integration with popular calendar platforms like Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, and Outlook Calendar. Here's how you can integrate a calendar with Notion using the most common options:

Integrating Google Calendar with Notion

  1. Obtain API: Go to the Google Developers Console and create a new project. Enable the Google Calendar API for your project and obtain the API credentials.

  2. Retrieve API Key: Generate an API key to authenticate access to the Google Calendar API. Make sure to restrict the key's usage only to Notion.

  3. Create Integration: In Notion, create a new integration using the API key obtained in the previous step. From the "Integrations" tab, select Google Calendar and provide the necessary information. Enter the API key when prompted.

  4. Authenticate Account: Follow the instructions in Notion to connect your Google Calendar account. Grant the necessary permissions to access your calendar.

  5. Sync Calendars: Once your Google Calendar is integrated with Notion, you can sync specific calendars or all calendars associated with your Google account. Choose the calendars you want to import and click "Sync Calendars."

Integrating Apple Calendar with Notion

  1. iCalendar Subscription: Open Apple Calendar, right-click on the calendar you want to integrate, and select "Copy Calendar URL."

  2. Create Integration: In Notion, create a new integration from the "Integrations" tab. Select "External Calendar" and provide a name for the integration.

  3. Paste URL: In the integration settings, paste the copied iCalendar URL in the designated field.

  4. Sync Calendar: Click "Update Calendar" to sync the Apple Calendar with Notion. This will import all events from the subscribed calendar.

Integrating Outlook Calendar with Notion

  1. Generate iCalendar URL: In Outlook Calendar, right-click on the calendar you want to integrate and select "Publish to Internet." Generate the iCalendar URL.

  2. Create Integration: In Notion, create a new integration from the "Integrations" tab. Select "External Calendar" and provide a name for the integration.

  3. Paste URL: In the integration settings, paste the generated iCalendar URL in the designated field.

  4. Sync Calendar: Click "Update Calendar" to sync the Outlook Calendar with Notion. This will import all events from the subscribed calendar.

Advanced Calendar Integration Tips

To make the most out of your integrated calendar in Notion, consider the following tips:

  • Customize Views: Take advantage of Notion's customizable database views to create specific calendar views that suit your needs. Add filters, groupings, or sort options to create a personalized planning experience.

  • Link Events to Other Pages: In Notion, you can link events to relevant project boards, tasks, or notes. This allows for easy navigation and ensures all related information is easily accessible.

  • Set Reminders: Use Notion's built-in reminder feature to receive notifications for upcoming events or deadlines. Set Reminders based on your preferences and Never miss an important task or meeting again.

  • Collaborate and Share: Share your Notion calendar with colleagues or clients so they can stay up to date with your schedule and availability. Encourage them to use comments or mentions for seamless collaboration.


By integrating a calendar with Notion, you can streamline your planning and scheduling processes. Whether you choose to integrate with Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, or Outlook Calendar, the ability to centralize your tasks, events, and schedules in one place will significantly enhance your productivity and organization. Experiment with different views, utilize advanced features, and collaborate effectively to make the most of your integrated calendar experience in Notion.

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