Create an FBI Wanted Template in Notion for Mock Investigations & Storytelling

Learn how to create an FBI wanted template in Notion for creative play, mock investigations, storytelling, or entertainment purposes with our step-by-step guide!
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How to Create an FBI Wanted Template in Notion

If you're looking to add a touch of creativity or playfulness to your Notion Workspace, it can be a fun idea to create an FBI wanted template. This template can be used for various purposes, such as mock investigations, storytelling, or entertainment. In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating an FBI wanted template in Notion.

Step 1: Set up your Notion Workspace

Before you dive into creating the template, make sure you have a Notion Workspace set up. You can create a new Workspace or use an existing one—whatever suits your needs. Once you're in your Workspace, navigate to the page where you want to create the FBI wanted template.

Step 2: Create a new page

Create a new page in Notion by clicking on the "+" sign next to your pages. Give the page a suitable title, such as "FBI Wanted Template."

Step 3: Add a cover image

To make your FBI wanted template Visually appealing, add a cover image. You can use any image you like, but it should ideally represent the concept of a wanted poster or FBI investigation. To add an image, click on the "+" sign inside the page and choose "Image" from the options. Upload or select an image from your library.

Step 4: Design the header

The header of your FBI wanted template should include relevant information such as the title and subtitle. You can also add an FBI Logo or any other Branding elements to make it more authentic. To create a header, type your desired text in the page and format it using Notion's formatting options. You can make the text bold, change the Font size, or add colors to make it stand out.

Step 5: Add the details of the "Wanted" individual

Now it's time to add the details of the "Wanted" person or entity. This is where you can get creative and have some fun. You can include information such as their name, alias, physical description, crimes committed, last seen location, and reward amount. To add the details, use the text or table blocks in Notion. With tables, you can organize the information in a structured manner.

Step 6: Incorporate additional sections

To make your FBI wanted template more comprehensive, you can include additional sections. These sections can provide a backstory, evidence, or even a timeline of events related to the "Wanted" individual. You can use headers to separate different sections and provide a clear structure to your template.

Step 7: Customize the template

To make your FBI wanted template truly unique, customize it according to your preferences. You can experiment with different fonts, colors, or layouts to achieve the desired look. Notion offers a wide range of customization options, including block backgrounds, icons, and toggle lists.

Step 8: Duplicate the template for future use

To use the FBI wanted template for multiple individuals or entities, you can duplicate the page and make necessary modifications. This allows you to have a consistent design while adding unique details for each "Wanted" case.

Step 9: Share and collaborate

Once you have created your FBI wanted template, you can share it with others for collaborative purposes. Notion allows you to share your pages with specific individuals or even provide public access. This can be useful if you want to collaborate on mock investigations, storytelling projects, or simply share your creative template with others.


Creating an FBI wanted template in Notion can add a playful and imaginative element to your Workspace. Whether you're using it for mock investigations, storytelling, or entertainment purposes, following the steps outlined in this article will help you design a Visually appealing and functional template. So go ahead, let your creativity run wild, and have fun with your FBI wanted templates in Notion!

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