Mastering Video Game Progress Tracking with Notion: Quick and Easy Tips

Learn how to effectively track your video game progress using Notion with this comprehensive guide. Organize, plan, and achieve your gaming goals effortlessly.
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How to Track Video Game Progress Using Notion

Whether you are a casual gamer or a serious enthusiast, keeping track of your video game progress can be a helpful and rewarding experience. Notion, a versatile Productivity tool, can serve as an excellent platform to organize your Gaming achievements, goals, and notes all in one place. With its flexible layout and customizable features, Notion lets you create a personalized video game progress tracker that suits your style. In this article, we will explore how you can effectively track your video game progress using Notion.

Step 1: Set Up Your Notion Workspace

Before diving into tracking your video game progress, it is essential to have a dedicated Notion Workspace for your gaming activities. You can create a new page or database specifically for your video games or include it as a section in your existing Workspace. Notion provides a variety of templates to get started, including pre-designed Video game tracker templates that you can customize according to your needs.

Step 2: Create a Video Game Database

To track your game progress efficiently, create a database using Notion's powerful database feature. In the database, you can include columns such as game title, genre, platform, completion status, playtime, achievements, and notes.

  • Game Title: Enter the name of the game you want to track.
  • Genre: Categorize your games based on their genre, such as action, adventure, role-playing, etc.
  • Platform: Indicate the platform or console on which you play each game.
  • Completion Status: Use tags or checkboxes to indicate whether you have completed the game, are currently playing it, or have yet to start.
  • Playtime: Keep track of the number of hours or minutes you have invested in each game.
  • Achievements: Record any in-game achievements you have unlocked or milestones you have reached.
  • Notes: Add any additional notes or comments related to the game, such as your impressions or strategies.

Feel free to add any other custom fields that you find relevant or interesting. Notion's database system allows you to sort, filter, and group your games by different categories, providing a comprehensive overview of your progress.

Step 3: Update Your Game Progress

Regularly update your video game progress in the Notion database. As you play and complete games, make sure to mark them as "Completed" or update their status accordingly. Add your playtime, achievements, and any noteworthy information in the relevant columns. With each update, you will have a clear picture of your overall gaming accomplishments.

Step 4: Customize and Enhance Your Tracker

Notion offers a wide range of customization options to make your Video game tracker Visually appealing and personalized. Experiment with different views, including table, board, or gallery, to find the layout that suits your preferences.

You can also utilize Notion's Rich media integration to enhance your Video game tracker. Add cover images or screenshots of your favorite games to make the tracker visually engaging. Additionally, you can embed YouTube video Links or game trailers to have quick access to relevant content.

Consider using icons or Emojis to represent different game genres or completion status visually. This will help you quickly browse your game collection and identify games based on their unique iconography.

Step 5: Track Your Gaming Goals

Apart from tracking your game progress, you can use Notion to set and track your gaming goals. Create a separate section in your database dedicated to goals and achievements. Set milestones or challenges for yourself, such as completing a specific number of games in a certain time frame or achieving specific in-game targets. Regularly update this section as you progress towards your goals, celebrating your achievements along the way.

Step 6: Collaborate with Friends

Notion's collaborative features allow you to share your gaming progress with friends and create a community around your shared interests. You can create a shared Workspace where you and your friends can update their individual game progress. It's a great way to compare achievements, share recommendations, and foster healthy competition.


Tracking your video game progress using Notion is a fantastic way to organize your gaming experiences and keep a record of your accomplishments. By setting up a dedicated Workspace, creating a game database, and regularly updating your progress, you'll have a comprehensive overview of your gaming journey. With Notion's customization options and collaborative features, you can create a unique and interactive Video game tracker that reflects your gaming passion. So, dive into the world of Notion and start gamifying your gaming experience!

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