Manage Gaming Achievements & Track Game Progress with Notion Templates

Learn how to track video game progress using Notion templates. Organize your gaming achievements, track game completion goals, and create playthrough logs.
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How to Track Video Game Progress Using Notion templates

Notion is a versatile Productivity tool that can be customized to suit various needs, including tracking video game progress. With its flexible database feature, you can create game achievement trackers, set completion goals, maintain playthrough logs, and document your virtual entertainment experiences. In this article, we will explore how Notion templates can be used to effectively manage your gaming journey.

Creating a Game Achievement Tracker

One of the most exciting aspects of gaming is unlocking achievements and reaching milestones. Notion allows you to create a game achievement tracker to keep a record of your successes and challenges. Here's how you can set it up:

  1. Create a new Notion page and select "Table" as the page type.
  2. Add columns such as "Game Title," "Achievement Name," "Description," "Date Achieved," and "Platform" to capture relevant information.
  3. Customize the properties to include specific details, such as difficulty level, completion percentage, or rarity.
  4. Optionally, create additional properties to track progress, such as total achievements, completed achievements, and percentage completion.

By keeping this achievement tracker up to date, you can monitor your progress across multiple games and share your accomplishments with friends.

Setting Completion Goals

If you're a completionist or simply like to set goals for yourself, Notion can help you track your progress towards completing a game. This feature is particularly useful for games with extensive storylines or completion challenges. Here's how you can create completion Goals in Notion:

  1. Create a new Notion page and choose "List" as the page type.
  2. List all the games you want to set completion goals for.
  3. Add relevant columns such as "Game Title," "Goal Status," "Percentage Completed," and "Deadline" to track your progress.
  4. Use checkboxes or drop-down menus to indicate whether a goal is in progress, completed, or pending.
  5. Update the completion percentage as you progress through the game.

By setting completion goals, you can stay organized and motivated, knowing exactly what you need to accomplish in order to reach your gaming milestones.

Maintaining Playthrough Logs

Keeping a playthrough log is a great way to record your gaming experiences, jot down memorable moments, and gather insights for reviews or discussions. Notion can be an excellent tool for maintaining these logs. Here is a simple method to get started:

  1. Create a new Notion page and select the "Database" option.
  2. Customize the database properties to include fields such as "Game Title," "Playthrough Date," "Duration," "Notes," and "Screenshots."
  3. Use the notes section to capture your thoughts, strategies, or interesting occurrences during gameplay.
  4. Attach relevant screenshots or images to enhance your log entries.
  5. Sort the playthrough log by date or game title for easy navigation.

By maintaining a playthrough log, you can reflect on your gaming experiences, reminisce about past adventures, and share your insights with others.

Documenting Virtual Entertainment Experiences

Not just limited to video games, Notion can also be used to document various other virtual entertainment experiences. Whether you're exploring virtual reality, attending virtual concerts or events, or indulging in immersive storytelling platforms, Notion can help you create a comprehensive record of these experiences. Here's how:

  1. Choose the appropriate Notion page type, such as a table or database.
  2. Add relevant columns to capture details such as "Experience Type," "Title," "Date," "Platform," "Duration," and "Highlights."
  3. Customize additional fields based on the specific features of the experience you want to document, such as "Virtual Reality Platform," "Guest Artists," or "Plot Summary."
  4. Use the highlights section to note standout moments, favorite songs, or significant plot developments.
  5. Attach media files, images, or videos to provide a visual representation of the experience.

By documenting your virtual entertainment experiences, you can create a personal archive and easily share your thoughts and recommendations with others.


Notion provides a powerful platform for tracking video game progress, managing achievements, setting completion goals, maintaining playthrough logs, and documenting virtual entertainment experiences. With its flexible database features and customizable templates, you can tailor your Notion Workspace to suit your gaming journey. By leveraging these tools, you can create a comprehensive and organized record of your gaming adventures and virtual entertainment experiences.

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