A Look Into Notion's Comment Feature

A look into Notion's comment feature, now you can add personal comments and notes with fellow teammates.
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Tutorial overview

I. IntroductionA. Brief overview of the video's topic: managing comments on YouTube

II. Three Comment LevelsA. Explanation of top-level commentsB. Discussion of replies to commentsC. Description of the third level of comments (nested replies)

III. Comment CompositionA. Tips for writing effective commentsB. Guidelines for commenting on YouTubeC. How to use formatting, emoticons, and hashtags in comments

IV. Replies and ThreadsA. How to reply to commentsB. How to view comment threadsC. How to keep track of conversations in the comments section

V. Resolving ThreadsA. How to mark a comment thread as resolvedB. When to use the "resolved" featureC. How to restore a resolved thread

VI. Comment PermissionsA. How to restrict commenting on your videosB. How to enable commenting for specific usersC. How to disable commenting altogether

VII. Share, Edit and Delete CommentsA. How to share comments on social mediaB. How to edit and delete your own commentsC. How to delete inappropriate or offensive comments

VIII. The Comment SidebarA. How to access the comment sidebarB. How to sort comments by popularityC. How to filter comments by keywords

IX. Restore Resolved CommentsA. How to restore a resolved threadB. The importance of restoring resolved commentsC. How to use the restore feature to resolve comments

X. Comment NotificationsA. How to receive notifications for new commentsB. How to manage your comment notification settingsC. How to turn off comment notifications

XI. Customize CommentsA. How to customize the look and feel of commentsB. How to change the font, color, and size of commentsC. How to add a custom background for comments

XII. ConclusionA. Recap of the main points covered in the videoB. Additional resources for managing comments on YouTubeC. Final thoughts on the importance of managing comments on YouTube.


Comments and notions were pretty basic for a while, but they've become a core feature as developers remain focused on enhancements for teamwork. So let's take a look at how to make the most of Notion's reimagined comment feature.

Comments are useful for communicating with collaborators, as well as leaving notes for yourself. However, it's important to keep in mind that Notion doesn't replace email or Slack. You want to comment on a Notion when you're addressing a particular element of your workspace, rather than just generally conversing.

One way that I commonly comment in Notion is on applicants for a certification. I keep my team up to speed on the progress of each applicant by commenting within that applicant's page in Notion. I also often use comments to leave notes for myself on my tracked expenses, such as a monthly expense whose price is going to change in the upcoming cycle.

Within a Notion page, you can comment at three different levels. The first is the top level or the page level, where you can maintain a comment thread beneath the page title. To initialize this comment area, you can hover your cursor over the page title and click "Add Comment." Here, we might say "Tiger looks like a great candidate."

On database pages, or in other words, when you open up a database item as a page, this comment area is going to be visible by default and it'll display beneath the properties of that item. The next level for commenting within a Notion page is the block level, when you want to comment on a full block within the page. To add a comment to a block, you can hover over the block and then click the six-dotted menu that appears and choose "Comment." You can also highlight a block and use the keyboard shortcut "Command + Control + Shift + M" to add a comment. Some block types also have an option at the top right, where you'll see a speech bubble icon that you can click to add a comment.

The most granular commenting level is the text segment level, where you can highlight a segment of text within a block and comment on that specific segment. When you highlight it, you have the option to click "Comment," but you can also use the same keyboard shortcut "Command + Control + Shift + M." These comments also appear within the margin just like the block level comments and the text is going to be highlighted yellow.

In terms of composition, comments are going to work much like your standard text block. You can add formatting, create hyperlinks, mention people, pages, and dates, and you can also add attachments. If we add a comment to this thread here, we might say "Do you like this one" and then mention a colleague. If I highlight any of this text, I have those formatting options as well as the ability to add a hyperlink. Now, I typed the at symbol to mention this person, but I could have also clicked on the plus button to add a mention.

This text describes the functionality of comments in the Notion application. The text describes how users can access and use the commenting feature on the application.

At the top of the application, there is an icon that brings up a list of dates, people and pages that can be referenced when adding a comment. Users can attach files, such as images, by clicking the attach file icon and choosing the image they want to suggest. Once the comment is submitted by clicking the arrow icon or hitting the return or enter key, the image will be uploaded and displayed in an expanded format.

When the focus is on a particular thread, if a user clicks out of the thread, it will collapse back into the margin. Users can reply to a comment by clicking the reply section of the comment module. For page-level comments, the button will say "add a comment" instead of "reply." This creates a sort of thread, and as threads grow in length, the comments will be folded into a more comments button, but the first and most recent comments will always be displayed.

Users can also expand the comment thread in a few ways. They can click on the module, and all comments, including the photo, will be displayed. They can also click on the speech bubble that is alongside the associated block, or in the case of text segment comments, they can click on the highlighted text. This will bring the comment thread into focus.

When a comment is no longer relevant or the conversation has come to a conclusion, any user with can edit access or higher can resolve the discussion and archive the thread. The resolve button is located at the top right of the modules and also appears at the top right of the page level thread.

Users with can edit access are required for resolving threads, but any user, including guests and members, have the ability to comment on a page with just canned comment privileges. If a user's privileges are bumped up to can edit, they now have the ability to resolve threads. When a page is published publicly, users have the option to allow comments. This adds a button to the top right of the page when it's viewed publicly, and any Notion user with an account can sign in and contribute comments to the page.

Each individual comment within a thread has its own three-dotted menu. Users have the ability to copy a link to the comment, which they can share, and when the recipient clicks the link, they will be taken directly to the comment. Users also have the ability to edit their own comments, and anyone can also delete their comments. Those with can edit privileges or higher can delete any comment regardless of who made it.

The top of each Notion page has a little speech bubble icon that can be clicked to toggle the comments sidebar. Users can also use the keyboard shortcut command or control plus shift plus backslash to toggle the comments sidebar. This is where users can manage in bulk all of the comments and threads for the page, bringing them all together in a single place where they can reply to them.

A thread can be accessed by the individual three dotted menus of each comment. You can also click on individual comments to jump to that point in the page. The initial view of the comments sidebar is going to display open comments or comments that have not yet been marked as resolved. You can toggle that open to resolved comments to see all of the threads that have been marked resolved. Any user with can edit access or higher has the ability to re-open the thread, which restores it to its original location.

For any comment that you haven't yet engaged with, you're going to see a little red dot within the speech bubble at the top. Then you'll see a blue dot next to the comment that you haven't yet engaged with. Once you've seen it here, that's considered engagement and that blue dot will disappear. If you're at mentioned in a comment, you'll be notified just as you would be for any admission within a standard text block. So it's going to appear within your inbox, which is within the all updates section of your sidebar. And it will show a blue dot if you haven't yet engaged with it. Within your inbox, you'll have the ability to reply to the comment or to visit the associated page.

If you follow the page, you'll receive notifications for new comments. You can follow by visiting the all updates menu and clicking follow. But if you comment on a page or if you create the page, then you'll follow it automatically.

So, Satoshi has added a comment and you can see here that we have that red dot above the speech bubble as well as a notification badge here on top of our menu. So if we toggle open our comments sidebar, you can see that we have this blue dot above the comment. And when I scroll over it, it disappears as does the red dot above the speech bubble. And if we open up our sidebar here, you can see that we have this notification badge within the all updates item. And I click that, and I can see that new comment within my inbox. I can reply directly within my inbox or I can click to visit the comment within the page.

Depending on a variety of factors that I discuss in lessons focused specifically on notifications, I may receive an email digest and I also may receive push notifications on desktop or mobile. For any page, you can customize comments in a couple of ways. Both options are available from the pages three dotted menu at the top right. Within that menu, you'll find the option to customize page. There are two options here related to comments. One is top level page discussions where you can choose expanded or off. Expanded is going to display that comment thread beneath the title and then off is going to disable that area entirely. And then for page comments, you can choose default which we've seen with those modules in the margin. But you can switch those to minimal and what that's going to do is it's going to convert those modules just to those little speech bubbles which you can click to see the comment thread.
