Effective Tips for Creating a Due Date Template in Notion for Deadline Tracking and Task Management

Learn how to easily create a due date template in Notion for efficient tracking and management of deadlines, tasks, and time-sensitive activities. Boost your productivity now!
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How to Create a Due date Template in Notion for Tracking and Managing Deadlines, Due Dates, and Time-Sensitive Tasks

Managing deadlines, due dates, and time-sensitive tasks is essential for staying organized and productive. Notion, the all-in-one Workspace, provides an excellent platform for keeping track of your tasks and ensuring you never miss a Deadline. In this article, we will explore how to create a Due date template in Notion to effectively manage your deadlines and tasks.

Step 1: Create a New Notion Page

To begin, open Notion and create a new page where you'd like to set up your Due date template. You can choose to create a new page within an existing Workspace or create a new database specifically for tracking deadlines and due dates.

Step 2: Create a Table View

Within the newly created page or database, create a table view by clicking on the "+ New View" button located at the top right of the page. Select "Table" to create a table view for your Due date template.

Step 3: Set Up Columns

In the table view, set up your desired columns for tracking the necessary information about your tasks and deadlines. Some recommended columns for a Due date template could include:

  • Task Name: Provide a column for the name or description of each task.
  • Due date: Create a column to input or select the Due date for each task.
  • Status: Include a column to track the status of each task, such as "Not Started," "In Progress," or "Completed."
  • Assignee: If applicable, set up a column to assign tasks to specific team members or individuals.
  • Priority: Add a column to prioritize tasks, using labels such as "High," "Medium," or "Low."
  • Notes: Include a column for any additional notes or details pertaining to each task.

Feel free to customize the columns based on your specific needs and preferences. You can also add additional columns to cater to your workflow and requirements.

Step 4: Add Tasks and Set Due Dates

Now that you have set up your columns, you can start adding tasks and assigning due dates. Simply input the relevant information into each corresponding column. If you prefer, you can also use the date picker in the "Due date" column to select the due dates.

To ensure your due dates are displayed clearly, you can customize the format of the "Due date" column. Click on the three dots at the top right of the column, select "Format," and choose from various date formats that suit your preference.

Step 5: Customize Views and Filters

Notion allows you to customize your views and filters to focus on specific tasks or deadlines. By utilizing these features, you can streamline your workflow and easily identify upcoming tasks or overdue deadlines.


To customize your views, click on the "View" dropdown located at the top right of the page. You can create multiple views, such as a calendar view or a board view, depending on your preferred visual representation of your due dates.


Filters help you narrow down the tasks displayed based on specific criteria. For instance, you can create a filter to show only tasks assigned to a particular team member or tasks with specific due dates. To add a filter, click on the "Filter" button located next to the "View" dropdown and set your preferred criteria.

Step 6: Set Reminders and Notifications

To ensure you never miss a Deadline-in-notion-for-task-and-deadline-management-1a0f0), you can set up Reminders and notifications within Notion. Notion's robust integration with other tools, such as Slack or email, allows you to receive timely Reminders and notifications about upcoming due dates.

To set up Reminders, click on the three dots at the top right of the "Due date" column, select "Reminders & Notifications," and configure your preferred notification settings.

Step 7: Collaborate and Share

Notion provides seamless collaboration and sharing capabilities, enabling you to work collaboratively with colleagues or share your Due date template with stakeholders. You can share the entire page or restrict access to specific individuals or teams by adjusting the page's permissions.

To share your Due date template, click on the "Share" button located at the top right of the page and configure the sharing settings according to your requirements.


With Notion's powerful features and flexibility, creating a Due date template to track and manage deadlines, due dates, and time-sensitive tasks becomes effortless. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can set up a comprehensive Due date template in Notion that suits your workflow and ensures you never miss an important Deadline-in-notion-for-task-and-deadline-management-1a0f0). Keep track of your tasks, collaborate with your team, and stay on top of your deadlines using the power of Notion.

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