Customizing Notion Templates for Personalization: A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to customize Notion templates to match your personal preferences. Discover step-by-step instructions and make the most out of your Notion workspace.
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How to Modify Existing Notion templates to Suit Personal Preferences?

Notion is a powerful all-in-one Workspace that allows users to create their own personalized systems using templates. Templates offer a great starting point for organizing various aspects of your life, such as Task management, note-taking, project planning, and more. However, templates may not always align perfectly with your personal preferences or workflow. Fortunately, Notion provides a flexible platform that enables users to modify existing templates to suit their specific needs. In this article, we'll explore some tips and tricks for modifying Notion templates to better align with your personal preferences.

Understanding Notion templates

Before diving into customization techniques, it's essential to have a basic understanding of Notion templates. Templates in Notion are pre-designed layouts that provide a foundation or structure for specific use cases. They come with placeholders, sample content, and pre-built blocks that can be customized to fit your requirements.

Notion offers a vast library of templates created by the Notion team, as well as contributions from their active user community. These templates cover a wide range of use cases, including Personal planning, Project management, knowledge bases, and more. To access templates, simply click on "Templates" at the top of your sidebar and browse through the available options.

Modifying Notion templates

Here are some steps you can follow to modify existing Notion templates to suit your preferences:

1. Understand your needs

Before making any changes to a template, it's crucial to understand your specific needs and workflow. Take some time to consider what information you want to track, how you prefer to organize it, and any specific requirements you have. This will help guide your customization process.

2. Duplicate the template

To ensure that you don't accidentally modify the original template, it's best to make a duplicate of it. Right-click on the template you want to modify and select "Duplicate." This action will create a copy of the template in your Workspace, which you can freely customize without affecting the original.

3. Rearrange or delete existing blocks

Templates often come with pre-built blocks and placeholders. Depending on your needs, you may want to rearrange or delete these blocks. Simply click on a block and drag it to a new location or click on the three dots on the right and select "Delete" to remove it. Rearranging or deleting blocks allows you to create a structure that aligns with your workflow.

4. Customize titles and placeholders

Templates typically include placeholder text that you'll want to replace with your own content. Click on any title or placeholder text and start typing to customize it. Moreover, you can format the text, change font sizes, add bullet points, or include other formatting elements to make it Visually appealing and better suited to your preferences.

5. Add or remove properties

Notion templates often include predefined properties, such as text fields, checkboxes, or date fields. These properties help you track and Categorize information within your templates. Depending on your needs, you may want to add or remove properties to tailor the template to your specific requirements. To do this, click on the "+" icon at the top right of the template and select the desired property type from the dropdown menu.

6. Customize views

Notion offers different view options, such as table, gallery, board, and calendar, which provide alternative ways to visualize and interact with your template data. Experiment with these different view options to find what works best for you. To change the view, click on the "View" button at the top right of the template and select the desired view type.

7. Integrate with other tools or databases

One of the most powerful features of Notion is its ability to integrate with other tools and databases. If your modified template requires additional Functionality, you can integrate it with various services like Google Calendar, Trello, GitHub, or any other supported service. These integrations can enhance the capabilities of your template and make it even more tailored to your preferences.

8. Experiment and iterate

Remember that personalizing a template is an iterative process. Don't be afraid to experiment and iterate on your modifications. As you start using the modified template, you may discover additional tweaks or improvements that can enhance your workflow. Notion's flexibility allows you to adapt and refine your template over time to better suit your evolving preferences and needs.


Notion's extensive library of templates provides an excellent starting point for organizing various aspects of your life. However, personalization is key to creating a truly tailored Notion Workspace. By following the steps outlined above, you can modify existing Notion templates to suit your personal preferences, ensuring your Workspace aligns perfectly with your workflow. Remember, the primary goal is to create a system that makes you more productive and brings you joy while using Notion. So, take the time to experiment, iterate, and create your perfect Workspace.

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