The Top 5 Notion Personal Finance Templates

The top 5 Notion personal finance templates to help you improve financial stability and gain greater control over your money.
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Tracking your personal finances is a crucial step in managing your money and achieving your financial goals. It can help you understand your income and expenses, plan for the future, save more money, and improve your credit score. In this post, we'll discuss the benefits of personal finance tracking and how you can use Notion, a versatile productivity tool, to track your finances.

Benefits of Personal Finance Tracking

Improved financial stability: By tracking your finances, you can get a better understanding of your income and expenses and plan for the future. This can help you feel more financially secure and reduce financial stress.

Increased savings: By tracking your spending and setting financial goals, you may be able to save more money for the future. This can help you build a financial cushion for emergencies or achieve long-term financial goals, such as buying a house or saving for retirement.

Better credit score: Properly managing your finances can also help improve your credit score. This can make it easier to get approved for loans, credit cards, and other financial products with lower interest rates.

Greater control over your money: By understanding your financial situation, you can make informed decisions about how to use your money. This can give you greater control over your financial future and help you achieve your financial goals.

Improved peace of mind: Properly managing your finances can help you feel more in control of your financial situation and reduce anxiety and stress related to money.

How to Track Your Finances in Notion

Notion is a versatile productivity tool that allows you to create databases, wikis, and more. You can use it to track your finances in a number of ways. Here are a few options:

Create a budget tracker: Set up a database to track your income and expenses. You can categorize your expenses and set limits for each category to help you stay on budget.

Set up a debt tracker: Use a database to track your debts, including credit card balances, student loans, and other loans. You can use this to create a debt repayment plan and track your progress.

Use a calendar to track your bills: Set up a calendar in Notion to track your bills and payments. You can set reminders for yourself to pay bills on time and avoid late fees.

Create a financial goals tracker: Use a database or a kanban board to track your financial goals. You can set deadlines, assign tasks, and track your progress towards achieving your goals.


Tracking your personal finances is a crucial step in managing your money and achieving your financial goals. Notion is a versatile productivity tool that can help you track your finances in a number of ways, including creating a budget tracker, setting up a debt tracker, using a calendar to track your bills, and creating a financial goals tracker. By tracking your finances in Notion, you can gain greater control over your money, improve your financial stability, and achieve your financial goals.

Below are our favorite Top 5 Personal Finance trackers in Notion:

Budget planning

This product helps you track your spending and reach your financial goals. You can set a monthly budget and enter your expenses in the database. The filters allow you to view your expenses in different ways, such as by category or by month. You can also view your expenses on a calendar or in a Kanban-style board, broken down by category. This can give you a better understanding of your spending habits and help you make more informed financial decisions.
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Ultimate finance tracker dashboard

Another company has created a comprehensive dashboard to help individuals track their financial activities. This dashboard includes features such as setting monthly category budgets and saving goals, as well as the ability to view monthly expenses and incomes. With these features, users can gain greater awareness of their money flows and learn how to better manage their finances.
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52 Week savings challenge

Many people struggle to stick to a savings plan, but a savings challenge can help. The popular 52-week savings challenge is a great example. You start by saving $1 in the first week, then add an extra dollar each week. By the end of the challenge, you will have saved $1,378. This template can help you track your progress and stay on track to reach your savings goals. Simply enter your weekly savings and see your progress over time.
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Personal finances

The "Finances" template is a useful tool for anyone who wants to stay on top of their expenses, debts, and extra costs. It includes a categorized Kanban board and a Cash Flow Calendar that allow you to see your financial situation at a glance. This visual representation makes it easy to manage your money and make sure you always have a clear picture of your financial health.
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Wedding planner

This resource is designed to help engaged couples plan their wedding. It allows users to customize and edit the content to suit their needs and create the wedding of their dreams. Some of the categories covered in the resource include budget, guest list, venue, vendors, and more. Whether you're just starting to plan your wedding or you're in the final stages of preparation, this resource can help you stay organized and on track.
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