How to Archive Content or Pages in Notion: Maintaining an Organized Workspace with Access to Previous Information

Learn how to archive content or pages in Notion to keep your workspace organized while still having access to previous information.
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How to Archive Content or Pages in Notion to Maintain an Organized Workspace

Notion is a versatile tool that allows users to create, collaborate, and organize their work all in one place. As you use Notion to store your information and collaborate with others, you may find that your Workspace becomes cluttered over time. To maintain an organized Workspace while retaining access to previous information, archiving content or pages in Notion is a helpful practice. In this article, we will explore how to effectively archive content or pages in Notion.

Why Archive Content or Pages?

Archiving content or pages in Notion serves multiple purposes:

  1. Organizational efficiency: Archiving allows you to declutter your Workspace, especially if you have completed projects, old meeting notes, or irrelevant information that you no longer need to access regularly.
  2. Simplified search: By archiving content, you're better able to prioritize and focus on the most relevant information when conducting searches within Notion.
  3. Maintaining historical records: Instead of completely deleting content or pages, archiving allows you to retain important information for future reference or legal compliance.

Archiving Content in Notion

In Notion, archiving content is a straightforward process. Here's how to do it:

  1. Identify the content or page to archive: Determine which content or page you want to archive. This could be an individual note, a section within a project, or an entire page.
  2. Open the properties menu: Right-click on the content or page, then select "Properties" from the drop-down menu that appears. Alternatively, you can click on the ellipsis (...) on the right side of the content or page and select "Properties" from there.
  3. Archive the content or page: In the properties menu, you will find an "Archive" option. Click on it to archive the selected content or page. You may be prompted to confirm the action.
  4. Access archived content: To access archived content or pages, navigate to the left-hand sidebar of your Notion Workspace and click on the "Archive" tab. Here, you'll find a list of all the archived items in your Workspace.
  5. Restore archived content: If you need to access or restore an archived item, simply click on it in the "Archive" tab and select the "Restore" option. It will then be returned to its original location in your Workspace.

Additional Tips for Effective Archiving

Here are a few additional tips to help you make the most of archiving in Notion:

  • Granular archiving: You can archive specific sections or blocks within a page by selecting only those elements for archiving. This way, you can maintain a clean and organized Workspace while still retaining important information.
  • Archiving entire databases: If you have a database in Notion that you no longer need to actively use, you can archive the entire database. This clears up space in your Workspace while still allowing you to access the information when needed.
  • Archiving versus deleting: While archiving allows you to keep a record of information, deleting removes it permanently from your Workspace. Consider the importance and potential future relevance of the content before choosing between archiving and deleting.
  • Regular maintenance: Set aside time regularly to review your Workspace and archive content or pages that are no longer needed. This prevents your Workspace from becoming cluttered and ensures that you can easily find the information you need.


Archiving content or pages in Notion is a valuable practice that helps you maintain an organized Workspace while retaining access to historical information. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can efficiently archive content, simplify your searches, and keep important records. Make archiving a regular part of your Notion workflow to ensure that your Workspace remains organized and productive.

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