Enhance Your Notion Pages: Embed Code Snippets, Widgets & External Content for Seamless Integration

Looking to enhance functionality on Notion? Learn how to embed code snippets, widgets, and external content into your pages for seamless integration with other tools.
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How to Embed Code Snippets, Widgets, or External Content into Your Notion Pages for Enhanced Functionality and Integration with Other Tools

Notion, the all-in-one Workspace and note-taking app, allows users to embed code snippets, widgets, or external content into their pages. This feature enables enhanced Functionality and integration with other tools, making Notion a versatile platform for various use cases. Whether you want to display live code, embed interactive widgets, or integrate external content seamlessly, embedding can elevate your Notion pages. In this article, we will explore how to embed code snippets, widgets, or external content into your Notion pages.

Embedding Code Snippets

To embed a Code snippet into your Notion page, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the Notion page where you want to embed the Code snippet.
  2. Create a code block by typing /code or clicking on the "+" button and selecting "Code."
  3. Within the code block, paste the Code snippet you want to embed.
  4. Format the Code snippet using syntax highlighting by typing the language name after the backticks. For example, \\python` to specify Python syntax highlighting.
  5. Once you've pasted and formatted the code, you'll see it displayed within the code block, creating a Visually appealing and accessible Code snippet in your Notion page.

By embedding code snippets, you can showcase your work, share code examples, or document programming concepts effectively within the context of your Notion pages.

Embedding Widgets

Widgets are interactive components that provide dynamic Functionality to your Notion pages. You can embed various types of widgets, such as calendars, to-do lists, Kanban boards, or even interactive maps. Here's how you can embed widgets into your Notion pages:

  1. Identify the widget you want to embed and locate the corresponding embed code or URL.
  2. Open the Notion page where you want to embed the widget.
  3. Create an embed block by typing /embed or clicking on the "+" button and selecting "Embed."
  4. Paste the widget's embed code or URL into the embed block.
  5. Press Enter, and the embed block will automatically render the widget within your Notion page.

Widgets offer interactivity and streamline your workflow by combining multiple tools and functionalities within a single Notion page. You can manage tasks, track projects, or view important information right alongside your notes and documents for increased productivity and efficiency.

Integrating External Content

Notion's flexibility extends to integrating external content seamlessly. Whether you want to embed web pages, interactive documents, or multimedia files, integrating external content into your Notion pages allows you to access information from various sources. Here's how you can integrate external content:

  1. Identify the external content you want to integrate, such as a web page, Google Sheet, or document.
  2. Open the Notion page where you want to integrate the external content.
  3. Create a link to the external content by typing /link or clicking on the "+" button and selecting "Link."
  4. Paste the URL of the external content into the link block.
  5. Once you've added the link, Notion will automatically fetch the title, description, and thumbnail from the external content, creating a preview within your Notion page.

By integrating external content, you can bring essential information and resources from various platforms directly into your Notion pages. This integration enhances accessibility and consolidates your workflow, making Notion a centralized hub for all your content and tools.


Notion's ability to embed code snippets, widgets, and external content makes it a powerful platform for enhanced Functionality and seamless integration with other tools. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can embed code snippets for code highlighting and sharing, embed widgets for interactive components, and integrate external content for easy access to information from various sources. Empower your Notion pages with these embedding capabilities, and unlock the full potential of this versatile Workspace and note-taking app. Happy embedding!

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