Embedding Excel Spreadsheets in Notion for Data Visualization & Analysis

Learn how to easily embed Excel spreadsheets into Notion for data visualization and analysis. Streamline your workflow with this step-by-step guide.
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How to Embed Excel Spreadsheets into Notion for Data Visualization and Analysis

Notion, the all-in-one Workspace, allows users to organize their notes, tasks, and projects in an interactive and visual way. One powerful feature of Notion is the ability to embed external content, such as Excel spreadsheets, directly within your Notion pages. This feature is particularly useful for data visualization and analysis, as it enables you to work with your data while keeping it integrated with your other Notion content.

In this article, we will explore how to embed Excel spreadsheets into Notion for data visualization and analysis. We will walk through the steps to embed an Excel spreadsheet into your Notion page and discuss some tips for working with your data effectively.

Embedding Excel Spreadsheets in Notion

To embed an Excel spreadsheet in Notion, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open your Excel spreadsheet: Make sure your Excel spreadsheet is saved and ready to be embedded.

  2. Install the Embedly Extension: Notion uses the Embedly service to render embedded content. To enable this feature, you need to install the Embedly Extension on your browser. The Extension is available for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge.

  3. Copy the spreadsheet URL: In Excel, navigate to the spreadsheet you want to embed. Copy the URL from the address bar of your browser.

  4. Paste the URL in Notion: Open your Notion page and position your cursor where you want to insert the embedded spreadsheet. Use the /embed command or the + button to insert an embedded element. In the search bar, paste the URL of your Excel spreadsheet and select it from the options that appear.

  5. Adjust the size and visibility: After embedding the spreadsheet, you can adjust its size by dragging the corners of the embedded element in Notion. You can also customize its visibility by clicking on the three-dot menu next to the embedded spreadsheet and selecting options such as "Show URL" or "Open link on click."

  6. Refresh the page: If the embedded spreadsheet does not appear immediately, try refreshing the Notion page. This should load the embedded content from the Excel spreadsheet.

Congratulations! You have successfully embedded an Excel spreadsheet in your Notion page. Now let's explore some tips for effectively working with your data.

Tips for Working with Embedded Excel Spreadsheets in Notion

Once you have embedded an Excel spreadsheet in Notion, the possibilities for data visualization and analysis are endless. Here are some tips to help you work with your data effectively:

  1. Use filters and sorting: Notion allows you to filter and sort data directly within the embedded Excel spreadsheet. Take advantage of this Functionality to easily analyze and visualize specific subsets of your data.

  2. Apply formulas: You can use Excel formulas to perform calculations and manipulate your data directly within the embedded spreadsheet. This is particularly useful for performing complex calculations or creating derived Metrics.

  3. Create interactive charts: Notion supports live updates to embedded content. This means that any changes you make to the Excel spreadsheet will be reflected in real-time within Notion. Leverage this feature to create dynamic and interactive charts based on your data.

  4. Link to other Notion pages: Connect your embedded Excel spreadsheet to other relevant Notion pages using internal Links. This allows you to combine your data analysis with related notes, tasks, or project details, keeping everything organized in one place.

  5. Collaborate in real-time: Notion enables seamless collaboration on embedded Excel spreadsheets. Multiple team members can work on the same data simultaneously, providing a shared space for data analysis and visualization.

With these tips in mind, you can harness the power of embedded Excel spreadsheets in Notion to enhance your data visualization and analysis capabilities.


Embedding Excel spreadsheets into Notion opens up a world of possibilities for data visualization and analysis. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can seamlessly integrate your Excel data into Notion and leverage its features for powerful data analysis. Remember to experiment with filters, formulas, charts, and collaboration to maximize the potential of your embedded spreadsheets in Notion. Happy analyzing!

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