Design and Manage Home Renovation or DIY Project Tracker with Notion

Looking for a home renovation or DIY project tracker? Learn how to design and manage one within Notion in this comprehensive guide. Get started now!
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How to Design and Manage a Home renovation or DIY Project Tracker within Notion

Home renovations and DIY projects can be exciting, but they also require meticulous planning and organization. Keeping track of tasks, budgets, and progress can prove to be challenging without an effective system in place. Notion, a popular Productivity tool, offers a versatile platform for designing and managing project trackers. In this article, we will explore how to create a Home renovation or DIY project tracker within Notion that will help you stay organized and on top of your goals.

Getting Started

Firstly, make sure you have Notion installed on your device. It is available for Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android, and can also be accessed via a web browser. Once you have logged in, you can either create a new Workspace or utilize an existing one.

Designing the Project Tracker

Creating Pages and Sections

Start by creating a new page dedicated to your Home renovation or DIY project. Click on the "+" icon in the sidebar and select "Page." Give your page a meaningful title, such as "Home renovation Tracker."

Within this page, you can create different sections to categorize your tasks and information. To create a section, click on the "+" icon again and choose "Heading 2." Name each section according to the different aspects of your project, such as "Tasks," "Budget," "Materials," "Timeline," and "Notes."

Setting Up the Tasks Section

The Tasks section is crucial for keeping track of the specific actions required to complete your project. Under the "Tasks" section, create a new Notion database by clicking on the "+" icon within the section and selecting "Database."

In the database setup, define the properties you want to track for each task. Typical properties may include "Task Name," "Description," "Status," "Priority," "Due date," and "Assigned To." To add properties, click on "Add a property" and select the appropriate option.

Managing Budget and Expenses

To track your project's budget and expenses, create a new section titled "Budget." Within this section, you can use a variety of Notion features to manage financial aspects effectively.

One method is to insert a table to track your expenses. Click on the "+" icon within the "Budget" section and choose "Table." Add column headings such as "Item/Service," "Cost," "Payment Status," and "Payment Due date." You can also customize the table further as needed.

For a more advanced budget tracking system, you can create formulas by leveraging Notion's formula property feature. For instance, you can calculate the total cost of all budget items or track the remaining budget based on completed payments.

Organizing Materials and Resources

To organize materials and resources needed for your project, create a new section titled "Materials." Within this section, you can use various Notion tools to manage and categorize your resources efficiently.

One approach is to create a gallery view by clicking on the "+" icon within the "Materials" section and selecting "Gallery." In the gallery view, you can upload images of the materials, add descriptions, and even include Links to purchase or acquire them.

Alternatively, you can create a document under the "Materials" section to maintain a detailed list of materials needed, quantities, and important information such as suppliers or prices.

Tracking Timeline and Progress

Create a section titled "Timeline" to monitor the progress of your project over time. Within this section, consider incorporating a calendar view to visualize milestones and deadlines. To create a calendar, click on the "+" icon within the "Timeline" section and select "Calendar."

Use the calendar to mark important dates, deadlines, and milestones related to your project. You can color-code events, add descriptions, and even link the calendar to other sections or tasks within Notion.

Adding Notes and Documentation

Lastly, create a section titled "Notes" to document any additional information, ideas, or inspiration related to your Home renovation or DIY project. Within this section, you can utilize different Notion features to keep your notes organized.

For instance, you can create bulleted or numbered lists, embed videos or images, create tables for comparison or analysis, or even link external documents or websites for reference.

Managing the Project Tracker

Once you have designed your Home renovation or DIY project tracker, it is essential to stay consistent in updating and maintaining it. Here are a few tips to help you effectively manage your tracker within Notion:

  1. Regularly update task progress, budgets, materials, and Timelines to ensure accurate data.
  2. Assign tasks to individuals involved in the project and communicate directly within Notion using the "@mention" feature.
  3. Set Reminders and due dates for tasks to stay on top of deadlines.
  4. Customize views and filters within databases to focus on specific aspects of your project.
  5. Collaborate with others by sharing your project tracker with them. Notion allows you to control access and permissions for each individual.


Designing and managing a Home renovation or DIY project tracker within Notion can greatly improve organization and productivity. By utilizing its flexible features, you can customize your tracker to fit your specific project requirements. Whether you are tracking tasks, budgets, materials, or Timelines, Notion provides a versatile platform to keep all project-related information in one place. Start implementing these steps and enjoy a more streamlined and successful Project management experience.

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